|Bruenor & Cattie & Drizzt Character Bio|Regis & Wulfgar Character Bio|

The lovable halfling thief of the series who tries to laze his way through life. Originally a spineless and selfish wimp who only fought for himself, his ways quickly changed once he met Drizzt and his companions. Regis is usually the trickster and negotiator of the group, however he still tends to end up in trouble due to his association with the guild of assassins.

Quick Facts
1.He once possessed a magical ruby to hypnotize his way out of trouble
2.He used to be one of the most respectable thieves in his guild of assassins
3.His nickname is Rumblebelly due to his chubbiness

Wulfgar is the seven foot tall, blond haired, blue eyed barbarian. He is the adoptive son of Bruenor. After Wulfgar’s tribe failed to take over Bruenor’s town, Bruenor let Wulfgar live and took him in to work for him to atone for his sins. As the years grew by, under the tutelage of Bruenor, Wulfgar began to see Bruenor more and more as father figure rather than his captor. Wulfgar and Cattie-brie grew up together, and it wasn’t long before their relationship grew as well.

Quick Facts
1.He wields the legendary weapon that Bruenor crafted for him, Aegis Fang
2.He is in love with Cattie-brie
3.Wulfgar is the leader of a tribe in Icewind Dale

Note: Character image used in banner/bio images without permission from http://www.deviantart.com/

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